Our Stories
Personal testimonies about our journeys to Orthodoxy
Discovering scriptural Christianity in the Early Church
Prior to arriving in Wichita Falls I had begun to be far more concerned about holiness of life (1Peter 3:14-16), than works of the Spirit's power. Upon arrival here I tried a couple of different churches, settling for a Methodist one pastored by the friend of my sister -in-laws husband. I attended his parish for a couple of years, immersing our family in the life and practices of the church. Unknown to me, the priest was in the midst of his departure from Methodism. At the base of it was something I'd seen, rather had heard of in other Protestant denominations; the leaving of truths as taught in Holy Scripture. Fr. Garth Wilcoxson, soon to become Fr.Aidan, invited me to lunch. His proposal: How would I like to come with him to form a group still practicing the faith as delivered to the Apostles Peter and Paul, and the believers at Antioch? MY response was typical Protestant; "Is it biblical?" Irony of ironies, as an oft heard phrase among young charismatics was, "We need to get back to First Century Christianity."
Fr. Aidan gave me a paper on Orthodoxy published by a California parish, and I began my investigation. I soon found that there was enough information on Orthodoxy floating around, that I felt as if I was drowning in it. And; not all the info was all favorable to some personalities, therefore calling for being selective. I went with Fr. Aidan and the Study Group was formed! We held catechism studies and worship at the local Hospice until joining with the Greeks to form the Holy Transfiguration-Holy Cross pan-Orthodox parish. It was there that on Pentecost Sunday of 1998, Fr. Michael Keiser chrismated myself, wife and children, receiving us into the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Orthodox Christian Church.